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RunForIt 8.0 - Live4Lyss

As 2022 came to a close, our dear friend Nick Toohey took control. He thought what a better way to finish the year than with an impromptu Christmas Party and celebratory beers underneath our starting point of the Brisbane Powerhouse at Mary Mae's. 


Nick from Run The North also brought Live4Lyss and You Choose Yours - Road Safety to the table as our beneficiary. Nick formerly coached an amazing young woman by the name of Lyss Postle, Lyss tragically passed away after a fatal car accident at only 17.

The family and commmunity around Lyss’ family were incredible throughout the process and showed unbelievable stoicism and support at our event on Saturday the 19th of November. 


This event brought Cam, Ash and a high percentage of our community to tears, hearing from the founders of You Choose Yours - Road Safety and the incredible work they do for youth road safety. 


This event saw our biggest attendance to date with well over 100 people there on the night. We managed to raise $2,400 for Live4Lyss and You Choose Yours - Road Safety and made an incredibly positive impact.